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Next stop: Brexit

Published:  17 November, 2020

The mandatory and cumbersome VI-1 forms may not be a legal requirement until next summer, but bureaucratic Brexit hurdles still await, writes James Lawrence


WSTA hits out at government for failing to count true cost of VI-1 certification

Published:  15 June, 2020

The WSTA has hit out at government for misleading the public over claims that EU wine importation costs would, according to Defra, be “nil or negligible”.


WSTA calls on members to ‘embrace a brave new world of trading’ as the UK Brexit

Published:  31 January, 2020

The WSTA has called on its members to “embrace a brave new world of trading” and “focus on opportunities” as Britain leaves the EU.


Brexit: Need to know

Published:  02 July, 2019

With speculation still rife as to whether the UK will walk away from the EU with or without a deal, Jo Gilbert sat down with the Wine & Spirit Trade Association’s European & international affairs director, Simon Stannard, to answer some of the pressing questions around the movement of goods.


WSTA calls for wine tariffs suspension to avoid ‘no deal’ price hikes

Published:  11 January, 2019

The Wine and Spirit Trade Association (WSTA) has called on the government to temporarily suspend wine tariffs to prevent prices rocketing in the event of a ‘no deal' Brexit .


Brexit: WSTA launches #NoToNoDeal campaign

Published:  20 November, 2018

The Wine and Spirit Trade Association (WSTA) has warned MPs ‘don’t bottle it’, while urging wine and spirit businesses to get behind a campaign that makes clear that a no deal Brexit would be unacceptable to the UK drinks industry.


Trade remains fearful of no deal Brexit

Published:  15 November, 2018

Following Wednesday’s marathon Cabinet debate on Theresa May’s draft Brexit deal, the Prime Minister was reported to drink a glass of wine before stepping out from 10 Downing Street to address the media.


No deal Brexit “not acceptable” for drinks trade

Published:  19 September, 2018

Brexit is the “most significant” short-term challenge facing the wine sector, Miles Beale, chief executive of the Wine & Spirit Trade Association (WSTA) told delegates at its conference yesterday (18 September).


Jerry Lockspeiser: An epic management disaster

Published:  20 November, 2017

It’s a tale of corporate mismanagement to rival the worst.